Friday, July 31, 2009

Word Inventor

lol...I was thinking(I know big deal right?? haha). So yea I was thinking, "How do you invent a word?". Do you just think of a word and just get a dictionary and write it down in there? Hahaha imagine that...

Random Dude: "OMG fefgarhay is a great synonym for the word SHOE!...*writes down in the F section of dictionary*....
*few days later*
Random Dude: "HEY EVERYONE!! Check out my new fefgarhays!!"
Random Dude: FEF-GAR-HAYS! Dont tell me you don't know what Im talking about?!
EVERYONE: *stares at dude like he's crazy*
Random Dude: :O You guys don't believe me!? :O *brings out dictionary* See it's right there in black and blue ink *cough* ran out of black ink *cough*...ANYWAY...

FEFGARHAY: see the word "shoe"

EVERYONE: Ohhhh you meant...FEFGARHAYS...yea we...knew what those are...pshh hu doesnt...*shifty eyes*

And from then on fefgarhay became a commonly used word....

haha ok since we ALL know THATS not how things work in the how do you invent words?? I mean if Shakespeare could do it why can't we?! Whats so special about him?! haha...yea so i still dont have a soultion for the problem but i just felt like ranting about it for a while...soooo


  1. lol...*my black converse FEFGARHAY tore a month ago :'( not that much of

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
